Beautiful Baby Clare | Montgomery County Newborn Photographer


{Montgomery County Newborn Photographer}

 I had the privilege of working with beautiful baby Clare earlier this month.  It was such an enjoyable session.  Her parents we so happy, friendly, relaxed and laid back.  You could tell that they were enjoying every single moment as new parents.  Plus, I think they’re wonderful demeanor definitely rubbed off on baby Clare because she was an absolute dream to work with.  She slept so well during our session and let me pose her into so many different positions.  I wish all of my babies were as laid back as her!!

I know I’ve mentioned this before but I love when the parents have something meaningful that they want to incorporate into their session.  In this case, Dad wanted to use something from his service with the Marines.  We settled on using his dress shoes and hat as well as a Marines flag.  I am so happy with how the end result turned out!  Here are my favorites from her session:  Montgomery County Newborn Photographer

April 28, 2014

  1. dena says:

    So sweet! She has amazing lips!

  2. Brittany says:

    Oh my goodness, these images are so sweet! Love the lace 🙂

  3. Laureen says:

    Oh my goodness.
    Those lips! Absolutely beautiful pictures.
    The Marine shot is so nicely done.
    Love them all.

  4. Lora says:

    Does she have the squishiest sweet lips ever?! I think so! Awesome family portraits, they will love these forever.

  5. Janelle Awe says:

    Those are some adorable lips on a little beauty…wow.

  6. amazing! what a sweet and precious baby.. such a beautiful family

  7. Sarah says:

    Oh my! That face!!!

  8. Laura says:

    Amazing job. She’s so sweet

  9. Caitlin says:

    These are beautiful!

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