Birth Photography | Philadelphia Area Birth Photographer


{Philadelphia Area Birth Photographer}

I was so honored when Jamie from Jamie Meile Photography contacted me about photographing her birth.  I had always wanted to do birth photography but this would be my first opportunity!  Not only was Jamie pregnant, but she was pregnant with twins – 2 boys!!  Well with any pregnancy, things can be very unpredictable and this was no exception.  Jamie’s due date wasn’t supposed to be until the end of May.  Needless to say, I was surprised to receive a text from Jamie on May 4th that she was headed to the hospital since her water broke!  Jamie was only 33 and 1/2 weeks!  At the time, I was up in Boston for the weekend so I was holding my breath that she would be able to hold those boys in there for another day so I could be home in time to photograph the birth!

I took my flight home and landed in Philly just before 8pm on Sunday night.  I turned my phone back on and sure enough, there was a text from her husband that it was time to push!  I rushed to the hospital as quickly as I could but unfortunately, little Jesse couldn’t wait for me.  I was, however, able to get there in time to photograph Johnny’s birth!  Jamie labored for 4 hours between births.  She was absolutely incredible to watch.  Jamie opted for a med-free, epidural-free natural birth.  She was so strong throughout the entire labor and her husband was the most supportive cheerleader I’ve ever seen.  He was right by her side through every single contraction.  You could absolutely feel the love that he had for her!

As you can imagine when babies are born so early, special attention must be paid to the babies as soon as they are delivered.  The NICU nurses asked that I not photograph anything while they worked on baby Johnny after he was born.  I certainly did not want to interfere in any way.  I was still able to document his first few moments into the world before he was taken away up to the NICU.  It has been about a week and a half now since the babies were born and I am happy to report that both boys are thriving and improving every single day!  I know mom and dad can’t wait to take their boys home with them soon!

Sadly, I wasn’t able to photograph those first moments like cutting of the cord and the first bath and all of those precious little details on baby Johnny.  Despite all of this, I hope that I was able to capture the story of what Jamie and her husband went through.   I can’t imagine going through this with my own children.  Jamie and her husband were both so strong and so amazing throughout this entire ordeal.  I can’t wait to see their whole family again in about a month or so for their lifestyle session!

Oh and did I mention that I am in love with birth photography?!!  If you are considering hiring a birth photographer to document your own story, contact me today for special rates!

And now the good stuff…..Here is a video of Jamie’s birth of baby Johnny!

To view the HD version of the video, you can follow this link: Birth from MnM Family Photography on Vimeo.

MnM Family Photography, LLC specializes in newborn, family, children, baby, special events and wedding photography in Chester County and surrounding areas including but not limited to Philadelphia County, Montgomery County, Delaware County and even South Jersey.

May 15, 2014

  1. Beautiful!!! Brought a little tear to my eye. x

  2. dena says:

    Birth is so amazing! If they were’t so time consuming I would just do them for free! You did a great job! (and thank you for the sweet comments on my blogs!)

  3. Lora says:

    Breathtaking! What a fantastic experience.

  4. Shannon says:

    What an amazing video! Truly captured a beautiful part of the boys birth and brought tears to my eyes. XOXO

  5. kaity says:

    I swear births are my favorite things to shoot and look at. So amazing!

  6. g mager says:


  7. Carrie says:

    I have to say the first birth I did, I was so nervous and excited. I absolutely feel in love with photographing them for the families. We get to capture some great moments that they may not remember and will have to look back on for years to come and past down for many generations! Great job!

  8. Maura says:

    I’m crying!!!! Beautifully done!

  9. Jamie says:

    Such a special moment for this family. Amazing! I wish I had the birth of my sons photographed.

  10. Leza says:

    Love love love *love*!!! 🙂 Beautiful photos that will be treasured by all for a lifetime! Glad you got the Grandmas, too! Congrats to Karl, Jamie, and their families!!! 🙂

  11. Heather Cox says:

    This is beautiful. So many great captures of a life changing moment.

  12. China says:

    perfect in every way! I wish I had images like these of my children’s birth.

  13. Julie Paisley says:

    Oh! So perfect!!! Love it so much!

  14. Tina Joiner says:

    Awe, this is just amazing! 🙂

  15. Jamie Meile says:

    Thanks again for capturing this special time in our life! Every time I look back at this video I cry! You did such a wonderful job and I’ll treasure all these photos forever.

    • admin says:

      Thank you so much Jamie! This was such an incredible experience and I am so thankful you chose me to capture this incredible day for you!

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