{Baby Jackson} | Montgomery County Newborn Photographer


Yet another repeat client!!  Have I mentioned that I love it when clients hire me again to document another important milestone in their lives?!  I met this adorable family back in the fall when they were just a family of three.  At the time, mom was pregnant with baby #2!  They welcomed their beautiful son, Jackson, into this world at the end of February.  I was invited into their home to document their newest addition to their family.  He was such a joy to work with!  Then once big brother woke up from his nap, I was able to snap a few pictures of him with his new little brother.  It’s always such a breeze to work with this family!



April 1, 2013

  1. Gala Gwilliam says:

    OMG! Your photo of my brother-in-law, Matt & my loving, sister-in-law Krista’s boys (my newphews!) where Ben is holding a smiling & sleeping Jackson is absolutely amazing!

  2. admin says:

    Thank you so much, Gala! Love that family! Such a pleasure to work with!

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