{A Wedding in Old City} | Philadephia Area Wedding Photographer


It was a picture perfect day in Old City for Monica and Martin’s wedding!  I had the privilege of working with the talented Danielle McElhaugh Photography.  I spent my morning getting ready with the boys before heading to the beautiful Old St. Mary’s Church.  There’s just something special about those historic churches in the city.  They are so beautiful and unique!  Then after the ceremony, we slowly made our way from the church to the reception stopping at some amazing locations along the way.  I have a special spot in my heart for Old City after living in town for so many years.  Every way you look is a unique building, a quaint cobblestone street, a flower garden, etc.  Needless to say, we had so many amazing locations for photo opportunities!  After our pictures outside, we headed over to the reception at the National Museum of American Jewish History.   Monica and Martin incorporated so many nice traditions into their reception.  Then, when it was time to dance, their friends and family really knew how to party!  It was so much fun to be a part of it all!  Here are some of my favorites from the day…..

June 13, 2013

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