A Baby Boy! | Montgomery County Newborn Photographer


{Montgomery County Newborn Photographer}

 I had the privilege of spending a Friday afternoon snuggling with this adorable baby boy.  He did so well during our session.  He was so content and peaceful through most of our session which made my job easy!  He kept giving the cutest little smiles while he was sleeping.  I was lucky enough to capture a few of them on camera.  I absolutely love it when my newborns do that!  I know the smiles don’t mean anything yet but I still like to think that they do!

One of my goals this year as a photographer is to improve on my newborn work.  To help with that, I have signed up for Andrea Kitner Photography’s newborn workshop in NY next month.  I can’t wait to learn from her.  I have so many questions for her and I can’t wait to pick her brain.  I’m hoping to absorb everything that she teaches me to bring back to my own newborn sessions!  I feel like you can never stop learning as a photographer.  I’m always looking to improve in all areas of photography and this will be one way for me to improve my newborn work!  I can’t wait! Montgomery County Newborn Photographer

March 17, 2014

  1. Laureen says:

    These are truly amazing! I love hoe they look like a real newborn. Thank you!!! My favorite is that one with the smile. Just perfect.

  2. Oh I could just gobble that little cutie up! Love those details you captured, perfection! You did just wonderful photographing such an adorable little guy!

  3. Julie says:

    I bet this lil’ peanut’s parents are over the moon with these photos! So amazing! Your work is beautiful and I can only imagine it will get better with Andrea’s workshop. You’ll be unstoppable 🙂

  4. Maura says:

    He’s so adorable! Great photos … love that little smile you captured!

  5. Laura says:

    Such a cutie!!

  6. Pam says:

    these are just too sweet! I think you did great. The one with him smiling on the green blanket is too too cute!!

  7. Sarah says:

    so sweet!!

  8. so precious!! I LOVE that green!! I’ve always been a fan of strong colors with newborns!! Great work Marissa!!

  9. Monica says:

    Simply Beautiful

  10. Julie Paisley says:

    So sweet and so natural. I love these types of newborn sessions!

  11. ali says:

    so adorable!!!

  12. Monica says:

    This guy has so much sweetness !!

  13. What an adorable little guy!

  14. I love how you got all of his little details. So sweet! <3

  15. STUNNING! I want to reach into these shots and hug him!

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