Best of 2019 | Chester Springs Photographer


{Chester Springs Photographer}

2019.  It was another wonderful year for my business.  I still cannot believe that I turned my little hobby and passion into a full blown career.  I have to pinch myself each day that I get to create meaningful art and have the ability to work for myself.  Life is crazy and can take you in so many different directions.  I am beyond thankful for the path that lead me to this career.  I’m also extremely thankful that life brought me out to Chester Springs to be a photographer.  As you can see by looking through the images below, I am surrounded by so many amazing places to shoot my sessions at.  We are surrounded by farms, rolling hills and historic structures.  It truly is gorgeous scenery around here!

It was hard not to include images from every single session that I shot in 2019.  Please don’t be offended if your family didn’t make the cut.  Trust me.  I love all of the sessions that I shot last year but my blog would simply be way too long if I included an image from each session.   I also didn’t really include images from most of my mini sessions.  Although I love my mini sessions like the Santa Minis and Truck Minis, I don’t always get a chance to be creative during those sessions.  This curated list of images all had something meaningful and creative that spoke to me in some way.  Looking at this list, it’s maybe about half of the sessions that I shot from this past year.  You all kept me very busy during 2019 and I’ll forever be grateful to each and every one of you that chose to hire me!

If I had to pick my favorite image of the year, it would be this one.  There’s just something about the beauty of sunset at the beach paired with the unposed dynamic of life with three kids.  Documenting families being themselves and interacting like they normally do is something I am going to continue to strive to capture during my sessions.

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I created a highlight video as a fun way to view all of my favorite images from the year! You can either take a look at this or continue scrolling down through to see all of the images.


Now be prepared for a long page of some serious eye candy.  I am so in love with the art I was able to capture in 2019!  Thank you again!

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January 22, 2020

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