{C Family} | An Afternoon at Home | Camden County Family Photographer


If you haven’t heard of lifestyle sessions, they are my new passion!  Lifestyle sessions are sessions that document typical activities that occur in your daily life.  Lifestyle sessions can take place in the comfort of your own home or your backyard.  In a lifestyle session, I will take pictures of you interacting as a family while you are playing with toys, reading stories, jumping on the bed, eating snacks…..really anything that normally happens in your life.  I know most people always worry about their home not being nice enough for pictures or that their house is too messy and won’t make a good background in their pictures.  The pictures aren’t focusing on your old couch or outdated kitchen.  The lifestyle session focuses on you and your family and the details of the activities that occur in your life.  Don’t worry…I won’t be taking pictures of the piles of laundry that have accumulated in your house.  These pictures capture what your real life looks like every day.

I recently was invited into the ‘C’ Family’s home on a Saturday afternoon for a lifestyle session.  I absolutely love spending time with this family.  They have been with me since the very beginning of my business and I love coming back to document their growing family!  I had such a wonderful time during their lifestyle session.  We played with a train set, jumped on the bed, built amazing pirate ships, made pudding and laughed together!  I knew I was doing a good job of making the kids feel comfortable in front of the camera when ‘D’ grabbed my hand to walk me down to his playroom.  He kept instructing me to take pictures of his pirate ships and the fish and his trains!  We had so much fun together!  Plus, his little sister was the happiest little 10 month old I’ve ever been around.  There are so many pictures from this session that I loved.  I had such a hard time narrowing down which pictures to share with you so I apologize for the overload of images in this post!

Hopefully you will like what you see here and decide to book a lifestyle session in your home!  It’s the perfect solution for those cold winter months when outdoor sessions aren’t possible!

Image overload begins now….



February 28, 2013

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