Cutest Kid Contest!! | Chester County Children Photographer


{Chester County Children Photographer}

Over the weekend, my Facebook page reached 1,000 likes!!  As a way to thank everyone for supporting me along the way, I decided to giveaway a FREE full session.  To make it fun, I turned the giveaway into a ‘Cutest Kid Contest’.  And really….who doesn’t think that they have the cutest kid?!!  See one of my cuties below:



*Email a photo of your kid to this address: by January 31, 2015.  Please only submit photos that you have taken. No professional photos please.  You can submit a photo that contains all of your children.  It doesn’t have to be just one child in the photo.

*On February 2, 2015, I will create an album of all of the submitted photos on my Facebook Page.

*You must share your own image and try to get your friends to like your photo.  In order for their vote to count, they’ll also have to like my Facebook page.

*Voting will be open until February 6, 2015.  The image with the most ‘likes’ will win a free FULL session with me!

Good luck!!!

January 26, 2015

  1. dena says:

    Congrats on 1000 likes!!

  2. China says:

    Congrats! Hope your giveaway goes well!

  3. Yay! Congrats girl!

  4. Congrats! Good luck with your contest!

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