The K Family | Montgomery County Photographer


Montgomery County Photographer

This is one of my favorite family sessions yet.  Such a fun, easy-going family.  It makes it so much easier for the session to go smoothly when the family is happy!

I love shooting sessions at Valley Forge in Montgomery County.  There are so many beautiful locations and this area just happens to be one of my favorite spots.  For this session, I actually got to photograph another amazing local photographer.  It was so fun to work with her sweet family of 5.  I was so nervous before this session since she’s a great photographer herself but this ended up being one of my favorite sessions from the fall.  They were so easy to work with and we actually had some great weather.  The crazy thing is that I considered cancelling this session since it was stormy and rainy just a little bit before our session.  Then, the skies cleared and it was a beautiful night for a session.  Lots of great family shots and then several mom and dad shots.  It’s so important for mom and dad to get photos too.  Most of the time, the last good photos they have is from their wedding day.  Parent shots tend to be some of my favorites from each session.


April 14, 2016

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