New – March Blog Circle | Chester County Children Photographer


{Chester County Children Photographer}

It’s that time again! March’s blog circle post! This month the theme is NEW! I couldn’t think of a better idea than to blog about the new lens that I got last month. Let me just say that I have been eyeing up this lens for years it seems but it was so expensive. I finally bit the bullet and purchased this lens last month and it was one of the best decisions I have made for my business. I was planning on using this lens mainly for events and weddings but now it might just be my new go to lens for portrait sessions as well. The focal length of this lens creates such beautiful creamy images and I am completely in love with it. I am just dying for the weather to get nicer outside so I can start to use it for my sessions. For now, I just played with it on my daughter for a couple of quick nights outside. Here are my favorites with my new lens. Any guess what lens this is? Post in the comments below and I’ll come back to answer in a few days!

Please be sure to check out Nicole Gulick Photography – Oklahoma Newborn Photographer to see her take on this month’s theme!


MnM Family Photography, LLC specializes in newborn, family, children, baby, special events and wedding photography in Chester County and surrounding areas including but not limited to Philadelphia County, Bucks County, Montgomery County, Delaware County and even South Jersey.

March 25, 2015

  1. kristy says:

    Beautiful images!

  2. […] It’s so much fun to see what photographers all over the world do when given a monthly theme. So when you are done here follow Chester County Children’s Photographer, MNMFamily Photography, for another post on our monthly theme, “new”: […]

  3. Brooke Hazel says:

    Oh my goodness, such precious images. I love all of the tones in these images. I’m going to guess you got a 70-200 2.8? If so, it’s my favorite outdoor lens too! LOVE the lens compression and bokeh you got!

  4. Great pictures! The lighting is perfect in them. I just got a new 100mm macro lens recently, too, and I love it! I want to say you got a 24-70mm f/2.8? I’m just guessing that because that’s the next one I want for event/wedding photography. 🙂

  5. Kristi James says:

    Oh these are beautiful. I love getting new lenses. There is something about them. If i had to guess its the 70-200 2.8 . I recently got that lens last October and it is a beast!!! I love it!!

  6. LOVE these! so creamy and dreamy, is it the 85mm? maybe the 70-200? I’m dying to know lol but congrats on the new lens

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