The S Family Becomes 4 | Chester County Twin Newborn Photographer


{Chester County Twin Newborn Photographer}

I love shooting twin newborn sessions.  Sometimes they can be a bit challenging but the end results are so, so worth it.  This session did not disappoint.  This beautiful set of boy/girl twins decided to show up a bit early as twins tend to do.  We weren’t exactly sure how old the twins would be before we scheduled our session.  In case you didn’t know, it’s best to schedule a newborn session before your baby is two weeks old.  Of course, this isn’t exactly true if your baby is born early.  When the babies were finally released from the NICU, we scheduled our session as soon as we could.

Given the age of the babies, they both did very well.  Mom and Dad were so sweet watching over their new children throughout our session.  For a twin session, I like to try to get a few setups of the babies together, a few of them individually and then of course some family shots and some parent shots.  We were able to get all of those combinations in our session which means it was a great success!!

If you’ll notice below, this sweet sister kept smiling throughout the session!  I always love to capture little newborn smiles in my photos!

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May 21, 2016

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